The mission of the Alaska Mariculture Research and Training Center is to build partnerships and leverage resources to facilitate and coordinate training, research and dissemination across disciplines (e.g. biology, engineering, economics, marketing, food sciences, etc.) for better success of industry and community development and to improve mariculture management.

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Sign up for weekly updates from NOAA’s Community of Practice for Aquaculture Literacy (CoPAL)s’  Friday Harvest of aquaculture literacy resources, and stay up-to-date with events, funding opportunities, and communication tools!

Employment Opportunity!

University of Alaska Southeast Sitka is hiring a Mariculture Program Coordinator to assist with the seaweed and shellfish mariculture training program.

Alaska Mariculture Workforce Development Plan

Alaska Sea Grant has released the Alaska Mariculture Workforce Development Plan, which covers goals, strategies, and action steps for meeting the current and forecasted training needs for a growing mariculture industry.

Fresh off the Press!

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the State of Alaska have released their Summary Report for the Aquaculture Opportunity Area Spatial Planning Workshops that took place in February and March.

ICRS2024: Call for Abstracts

The International Conference on Shellfish Restoration 2024 (ICSR2024), held from September 15-18, 2024, on Jekyll Island, Georgia, USA, is now accepting abstract submissions for presentations and posters.

The Kurt Grinnell Aquaculture Scholarship

The Kurt Grinnell Aquaculture Scholarship Foundation (KGASF) provides scholarships to enrolled members of U.S. federally recognized Tribes and members of Metis, Aboriginal groups and First Nations (“First Nations”) recognized by Canada.

Application deadlines are May 15 and October 15 each year. 

Q&A: Kelp, climate and ocean acidification

There is growing interest around cultivating or preserving kelp beds to mitigate climate change and provide benefits to species such as shellfish who are susceptible to ocean acidification.

To learn more, click here to visit the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network webpage.

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Follow the Alaska Mariculture Research and Training Center on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Aquaculture 2025

Call for Student Abstracts for Travel and Presentation Awards – Deadline September 30, 2024

Student Award Application Guidelines

Student Award Application

Student Travel Awards

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Training Resources

Farming Seagrasses and Seaweeds: Responsible Restoration & Revenue Generation

This Report is the culmination of three years’ collaborative effort of an Interagency Working Group and the Steering Committee, and reflects all facets of the U.S. farmed seaweed and seagrass restoration sectors.

Alaska Food Strategy Task Report

The Alaska Food Strategy Task Force (AFSTF) has taken a systems approach in offering recommendations in seven focus areas to improve statewide food security.

Benchmarking Tools for Aquaculture Producers

The Maine Aquaculture Association (MAA) today announced the publication of a new report designed to help seaweed farmers build sustainable businesses.

Comparative nutrient drawdown capacities of farmed kelps and implications of metabolic strategy and nutrient source

Seaweed aquaculture, particularly kelp farming, is a popular topic as a potential solution for mitigating anthropogenic pollutants and enhancing coastal drawdown of carbon and nitrogen.

The Role of Seafood Consumption in Child Growth and Development

Seafood–including marine and freshwater fish, mollusks, and crustaceans–is a healthy food choice, but it can also contain contaminants. It is currently unclear how much seafood children or pregnant and lactating women are consuming, and what impact seafood consumption is having on children’s growth and development.

Lessons Learned Marketing Seaweed Products in the U.S. 2024

The report, “Lessons Learned Marketing Seaweed Products in the U.S.” captures the successful approaches existing seaweed producer and support organizations are employing to drive sales and growth of seaweed products in the U.S. The report builds on previous research on consumer perceptions and the use of “willingness to purchase” models with an intention to evolve from a theoretical measure of interest to one that documents real approaches in branding, product development and sales channels that has resulted in consumer sales.

Seaweed Handling and Processing Guidelines for Alaska

There is state and federal support for developing Alaska mariculture industries, which could help increase sales of Alaska seaweed, and increase the capacity and capability of new and existing companies involved in purchasing and processing. This guide was developed to help individuals and companies better understand what’s involved as they decide whether to enter the seaweed processing industry, and to provide some industry standards in the manufacturing or processing of kelp.

Final Report to Governor Dunleavy, Alaska Region Aquaculture Accomplishments

This report is provided by the Alaska Mariculture Task Force to Governor Dunleavy as a requirement of the Administrative Order No. 297 that re-established the Task Force. State support, spanning multiple administrations, is critical to reach the goal of growing a $100 million per year mariculture industry in 20 years.

Nitrogen and Carbon Removal Capacity by Farmed Kelp Alaria marginata and Saccharina latissima Varies by Species

An increasing body of evidence shows that seaweeds, including kelp, can be used as a
tool to neutralize or remove excess nutrients and metals from the water column. Here we report
on a preliminary field assessment showing potential nutrient and carbon removal differences in
sugar kelp and ribbon kelp grown in common gardens.

Roadmap to Organic Certification for Seaweeds of Alaska

Read about the four steps to organic certification.

Latest News

Alaska seafood featured at national event

Alaska Sea Grant and partners recently participated in the 45th annual NOAA Sustainable Seafood Celebration in Washington, D.C., with vendors from across the country bringing awareness to sustainable local seafood and fisheries.

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