Optimizing the tumble culture method to improve Pacific Oyster quality, and reduce labor for shellfish farms in Southeast Alaska
Optimizing aquatic farm gear to reduce labor and increase oyster growth and yield is a goal for many Alaskan oyster farms. Tumble cages have become a popular culture method in other oyster growing regions, as they improve oyster shape, size and yield while reducing labor for farmers. With a collaborative team of engineers, oyster farmers, and a biologist we will design, fabricate, and test Alaska-specific and farm-specific tumble culture gear.at three existing oyster farms spread-out throughout Southeast Alaska, each with a unique location (tidal and subtidal) and limitations for oyster production.
Principal Investigator:
- Kyle Newman, Ostrea Engineering
- Henry Fleener
- Liz Roros
- NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Project Term: 2023-2025
Funding: $100,000, Alaska Mariculture Cluster