Pilot scale forced-air drying and milling of farmed kelp – Gateway to mid to large scale drying, qualitative assessment, and development of dried kelp products
This 12-month project proposes to utilize existing technology for forced air drying and milling to run trials to assess the feasibility of utilizing these technologies on a larger scale for the primary stabilization of farmed kelp. The data collected in the trials, held at the Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center (KSMSC), will be used to assess the economic feasibility of drying kelp in rural coastal communities based on power costs and labor, the qualitative traits of dried kelp products (nutrient profiles, salt content, heavy metals, water activity, microbial levels), and create nutrient labels and product specifications for dried kelp products. The proposed drying system will be located at the KSMSC pilot plant and will be available during and after the project for kelp farmers to utilize for preserving dried and milled samples of their farmed kelp. This equipment will be used during ASG hosted seaweed handling and processing workshops.
Learn more here.
Principal Investigator / Project Partners:
- Roberta Townsent Vennel, Kodiak Archipelago Leadership Institute
- Alaska Sea Greens
- Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center
Project Term: 202
Funding: $54,000, Joint Innovation Projects, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation