Kelp Stabilization for Rural Communities: Designing for Decentralized Processing

Fresh seaweed degrades rapidly after harvesting, preventing farmers and processors from bringing it to market in sufficient quantity and quality. To relieve this bottleneck, we will develop an open-source primary processing line capable of stabilizing kelp at ambient temperature as close (physically and temporally) to the farm as possible that could be deployed in rural communities across Alaska. Providing rural kelp farms with affordable stabilization technology is key to extending the shelf life of their product, and ultimately securing realistic access to markets.

Learn more here

Principal Investigator / Project Partners:

  • Samantha Garwin, GreenWave
  • Kodiak Archipelago Leadership Institute
  • Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center
  • Alaska Ocean Farms

Project Term: 2023-2025

Funding: $95,000, Joint Innovation Projects, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation