Hatchery Cultivation of the pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula)

The purpose of this project is to master the culture of this important commercial species in the hatchery and nursery. This includes broodstock conditioning, hatchery culture techniques for rearing larvae at commercial densities, and developing nursery grow-out procedures. Razor clams are in APMI’s basic management plan and annual management plan that has been approved by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to conduct this research. Without a source of hatchery seed, razor clams continue to decline and are unlikely to recover (Bishop & Powers 2003). APMI staff produced razor clam seed for an EVOS Project 97131 and again for an ocean acidification exposure study for UAF researcher Miranda Washburn.

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Principal Investigator / Project Partners:

Project Term: 2023-2025

Funding: $83,000, Joint Innovation Projects, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation