Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS)

Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS)

Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS) Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), found along the North American west coast, is a species of kelp highly prized for both its ecological and commercial value. Bull kelp is unique among kelps due to the fact that its stipe, in addition...
Cooperative Seaweed Aquaculture Research

Cooperative Seaweed Aquaculture Research

Cooperative Seaweed Aquaculture Research Principal Investigator / Project Partners: Michael Stekoll, University of Alaska Fairbanks Sam Walker, BLU3 Nick Mangini, Kodiak Island Sustainable Seaweed Project Term:  2023-2025 Funding:  $184,300, BLU3, Inc. View All...