by Jessica Whitney | Jul 10, 2024
Bull Kelp Buoyancy Assessment Kelp farm anchoring systems are the most important and expensive component of a farmer’s investment. Balancing costs and efficacy for each unique farm site and species cultivated is critical for the sustainable growth of this industry.... by Jessica Whitney | Apr 18, 2024
Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS) Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), found along the North American west coast, is a species of kelp highly prized for both its ecological and commercial value. Bull kelp is unique among kelps due to the fact that its stipe, in addition... by Jenny Renee | Dec 1, 2023
Drying seaweed using waste heat: a proof of concept to build community resilience for food security and economic diversity in PWS, AK Principal Investigator / Project Partners : Alysha Cypher, Prince William Sound Science Center Kristin Carpenter, Prince William Sound... by Natalie Osborne | Jan 18, 2023
Mariculture Research and Restoration Consortium (Mar. ReCon): Sustainable Mariculture Development for Restoration and Economic Benefit in the EVOS Spill Area Mariculture Research and Restoration Consortium (Mar. ReCon) is a research and monitoring program designed to... by Natalie Osborne | Jan 18, 2023
Kelp the Sound: Building Mariculture Expertise in Prince William Sound, Alaska The purpose of this project is to increase local accessibility to regional expertise on kelp farming and increase local capacity for a kelp nursery to grow seedlings. Already, this project...