From Hatchery to Harvest: Examining the effects of different hatchery environments throughout the bull kelp lifecycle

Seasonality of Bull Kelp Fertility in Kodiak and Juneau

Seasonality of Bull Kelp Fertility in Kodiak and Juneau Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) is an economically desirable food source and there is a growing effort to establish bull kelp farms along the southern Alaskan coast. Currently, the farming calendars being used...
Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS)

Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS)

Bull Kelp Research Squad (BKRS) Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana), found along the North American west coast, is a species of kelp highly prized for both its ecological and commercial value. Bull kelp is unique among kelps due to the fact that its stipe, in addition...
Assessing 100 Years of Change in Canopy Kelp Ecosystems

Assessing 100 Years of Change in Canopy Kelp Ecosystems

Assessing 100 Years of Change in Canopy Kelp Ecosystems The complex and extensive coastline of Southeast and Southcentral Alaska have precluded regular surveys of canopy kelp extent that would allow for the detection of long-term changes, presenting a significant...
Developing Alaska-specific Pacific oyster broodstock for optimized growth in the Exxon Valdez oil spill region, and methods for spawning and rearing Pacific oyster larvae that are cost effective at scale

Developing Alaska-specific Pacific oyster broodstock for optimized growth in the Exxon Valdez oil spill region, and methods for spawning and rearing Pacific oyster larvae that are cost effective at scale

Developing Alaska-specific Pacific oyster broodstock for optimized growth in the Exxon Valdez oil spill region, and methods for spawning and rearing Pacific oyster larvae that are cost effective at scale To date, oysters have not been spawned in Alaska successfully,...