by Natalie Osborne | Dec 12, 2022 | Training Resource
In this 3-credit online course, students are introduced to the principles, concepts and methods used in the production of seaweed, shellfish and other mariculture products with an emphasis on the techniques used by Alaskan producers. The course will cover all aspects...
by Natalie Osborne | Dec 12, 2022 | Training Resource
A field-based semester intensive is being offered in the Fall by the University of Alaska Southeast – Sitka Campus Applied Fisheries program. This program provides hands-on, practical, and occupational training. Students learn skills such as skiff operation and...
by Natalie Osborne | Dec 12, 2022 | Training Resource
The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation, along with project partners, including Alaska Sea Grant, GreenWave, Blue Evolution, OceansAlaska, ALFA, NOAA, AMSEA, ADF&G, ADNR, DCCED, mariculture farmers and enthusiasts across Alaska, hosted an Alaska Seaweed Farm...
by Natalie Osborne | Aug 5, 2022 | News